Thursday, January 20, 2011

Better Late Than Never…?

So I realize I failed to post my all exciting race re-cap that everyone was dying to read. Good thing only two (maybe three) people read this…and they either watched the race progress or heard a detailed summary after I crossed the finish line. Below is a short recap of the race and an update of the other running I have done since the half marathon.

Capital City River Run Race Recap
I wasn’t overly prepared for the race considering I had attended a wedding the night before, didn’t eat pasta and failed to stretch or warm up in the morning. Still, I found myself at the start line lined up with the 11:30 pace group. The first six miles were great – and then I remembered I still had 7.1 more to go. I made it to mile 10 and was still ahead of the pace group, but then I started doubting myself. Although I know I shouldn’t have been thinking it, the only thing on my mind was that I still had another 3.1 to go. That’s an entire race in itself. The miles were long and hard. Somehow I missed the Mile 11 marker and thought I was slowing to an insanely slow pace. Then, I noticed the 12 mile marked – huge sigh of relief. I wanted to be done with the race so bad that I picked up the pace. Soon I saw Chris (my co-race director for Ele’s Race and the closest thing I have to a running coach) in his full pirate outfit waiting for me. Despite the fact that he had already run the half as a pace group leader (10:00), he came back to run the last section with me. I’m pretty sure it was the only thing that got me to the finish line. Somewhere along that last mile, I felt every emotion possible. I also expressed my desire for a burger, fries, ice-cream and a 12 pack of cold beer. J When I crossed the finish line, I saw many of my Ele’s Race Committee members cheering me on, and was handed my fabulous medal. Because my parents are the best parents in the world, they had been at the entire race cheering me on at many different points with a variety of inspirational and funny signs. As soon as I found them at the finish, I told them, “Make sure I never do that again!” I was exhausted, but proud.

Healthy City Chandler 5k
I took a week off from running after the CCRR and then just ran a few times before heading to Arizona to see Beth in October. While in Arizona, I ran with Beth during her first 5k. It was nice to run with someone else, and I was very proud of her for running the entire race!

Run Thru Hell on Halloween
Following my return from Arizona, I didn’t put many more miles in before the Run Thru Hell on Halloween. At 32 degrees, it was a bit cold to be dressed as a nun for the upcoming 10k race, but I was in good company with Gillain, Megan, Megan’s friend and of course the greatest pep squad ever – my parents. There were over 3,400 runners between the 5k & 10k, and it was awesome to see everyone running up and down the hills near the start – over half of the people in costume! I will admit that these 6.2 miles were much harder than the 13.1 I had run a month earlier. There were tons of hills throughout the course, it was cold, and ultimately I hadn’t trained nearly as hard for this race. Overall, it was still an awesome experience and all the proceeds went to a worthy cause.

The Run Thru Hell turned out to be my last run of the year. I decided to take some time off so my hip could heal (though it still doesn’t feel much better), but now I’m ready to pound the pavement again. I want to sign up for another ½ marathon sometime this summer, and depending on my progress, maybe for a full marathon in the fall or winter. My biggest obstacle right now is me. I know I can run on my own, but considering it is the middle of winter in Michigan, I have plenty of excuses to not put in the miles. I want to run. In fact, I have a desire to do it. I feel like something is missing from my life because I haven’t been running in so long! But, I also want a running partner. Someone to get me out of bed at the crack of dawn and put in a few miles with me during the brutal winter… Is that too much to ask for? I’m going to contact the local running shops to see if they have a list of runners in my area – and just maybe I’ll find someone to share all the joys (and pain) of running with.

Until then, I need to get out and just run…

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