Friday, September 3, 2010

Here we go...

Following the completion of my first week of actually completing EVERY workout on my training schedule, I decided it was time for a blog. Welcome to my journey to complete the Capital City River Run Half Marathon on Sunday, September 26, 2010 and beyond!

*I should probably mention here that ice cream is one of my favorite things. Often times, ice cream is the only motivation that can get me out the door to run, and running makes me feel less guilty eating that big bowl of ice cream. I figure if I can convince myself that I like running as much as I like ice cream, I'll be successful.

Running History:
I figured I would include my running background so that in the future when you see my race times, you will know I am NOT an experienced runner, and therefore excuse my extremely slow pace! Over the past several years I have decided to start “running” numerous times. Each time I would get myself excited, find a good plan to follow and head out the door. After a couple weeks, I would come up with the best excuses to miss my runs and the plan would soon fail. In May of this year, I started taking a fitness boot camp class and over the course of three months realized how much better I feel every day that I workout. I also shaved 5+ minutes off my 5k time after the first month of the class which motivated me to keep going. With lots of support, encouragement and crazy ideas from my co-race director and other race committee members, I decided to train for the Capital City River Run Half Marathon. So here we go…

May 2009 Survivor 5k in Howell, Michigan - Time: 38:22
June 2010 Linden Summer Happening 5k in Linden, Michigan - Time: 32:48

1 comment:

  1. Remember that after every run is a icecream waiting for you.....:)
